Pond building Plan - Do it yourself - How to build a Water Garden or Basin - Pond filters and pumps

Do it yourself / Pond or Water garden
( How to build a pond in your garden )



In the summer of 2004, I did the idea of digging a small pond located to the east of the house. The pond is on a plateau, just before a small slope.

One dimension ends 30' X 19' (9 m x 5.7 m).
 The basin has a maximum depth
of 28" (2' 4" or 70 cm).
Pond DIY PLans - Water gardening Design Ideas


1. -- Delineate and dig --
2. -- Installing geotextile fabric and pond liner --
3. -- Fill the pond --
4. -- Landscaping borders --
5. -- Landscaping --
6. -- Planting (coming soon) --
7. -- Cold season - Winterizing --
8. -- Tips and hints --
9. -- Fish and fauna (coming soon) --

Useful Links:

How to build a Backyard Pond - Do it yourself with free Plans
Water Gardening Ideas - Pond Landscape